Welcome Cousins!
Vahsholtz and Fahsholtz – Fassholz – Vasholz – Vassholz – Vahsholz
If your name is (or was) one of the above, you are a cousin.
Our site has resources to learn more about the Vahsholz’s, make connections and get a copy of the extensive Vahsholtz genealogy book, “The Road To Zwillipp.”
Read the current newsletter, or browse through previous issues. Here’s what you may find in a newsletter: Carole & Les Vahsholtz – Daughter Jenny Werner Click to hear us sing the “Ein Prosit” Song Click to hear the 2006 reunion attendees EIN PROSIT “Ein Prosit” literally means “A Toast” in German. Ein prosit, Ein prosit Gemutlichkeit Definition The “Ein Prosit” song was sung by all at the 2006 reunion.Vahsholtz Genealogy
On this site you can:
Download the Vahsholtz Genealogy book, The Road From Zwilipp
“A Toast” to all Cousins:
sing the “Ein Prosit” Song
This song is frequently sung among family and
friends and is simply a “toast” to friendship, fellowship,
and well being. The words of the song are:
Der gemutlichkeit
Ein prosit, Ein prosit
Der gemutlichkeit
Friendliness – Comfortableness – Cosiness
Vahsholtz Newsletters HERE! 2018 Vahsholtz Reunion Review We were headquartered at the Radisson Hotel in Brookfield, on the outskirts of Milwaukee, Wisconsin on July 12th through July 15th . The weather was hot and humid… very hot and humid. Thursday late afternoon and evening were spent settling in, meeting and greeting people. During the Business Meeting, there was a lot to discuss regarding where the 2020 Reunion will be held. Janet and Jenny volunteered to be hosts in Kansas. Discussion was held about the newsletter, future reunions and use of various media sources for communication. We discussed what the Committee had planned for events and traveling to events. It was a lively discussion of business, and fun, too. I thought the Reunion was a lot of fun and look forward to more regional reunions. Jenny and Janet were so warm and easy to get to know, so I know they’ll make us all feel welcome in 2020. (read more about the 2018 reunion in the Newsletter.) ■ If you aren’t getting an email copy of the Vahsholtz Newsletter, fill out the form below. Error: Contact form not found.
Or, download the latest one now.
(Edited. Please see the newsletter for the complete story!)
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